AWFA Form 04 Club Colours

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Club Colours

Colours and Playing Strip All Clubs, as per Regulation 1.3.3, must nominate their club colours (maximum of four colours) for consideration and acceptance by the AWFA Executive Committee (EC). For the purpose of the above, details of colours shall include colours, pattern and style of shirts, colours of shorts, colours and pattern of socks and colour and pattern of goalkeeper’s uniform. No part of the player’s attire or the uniform worn by a club official may incorporate national flags, slogans or emblems. Advertising on a strip is permitted except for the advertisements which contravene state or federal laws (such as tobacco advertising), the AWFA Regulations and By-Laws, advertise products, brands or companies which are in direct conflict with the AWFA protected sponsors or damage the reputation of the league or the Association. No advertising relating to alcoholic beverages may appear on the playing strip of any player under the age of 18. The AWFA reserves the right to require that sponsorship advertising is removed from a playing strip if it deems the advertisement breaches the Associations Competition Rules.

Proposed Home and Away Playing Strips

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    Club President or Club Secretary*
    DD slash MM slash YYYY